A LABOURER lay listening to a Nightingale’s song throughout the summer night...

A LABOURER lay listening to a Nightingale’s song throughout the summer night...
ONE day a countryman going to the nest of his Goose found there an egg all yello...
A MAN had lost his way in a wood one bitter winter’s night...
A CROW, half-dead with thirst, came upon a Pitcher which had once been full of w...
TWO neighbours came before Jupiter and prayed him to grant their hearts’ desire...
IT happened that a Fisher, after fishing all day, caught only a little fish...
A LION used to prowl about a field in which Four Oxen used to dwell...
TWO Pots had been left on the bank of a river, one of brass, and one of earthenw...
TWO Fellows were travelling together through a wood, when a Bear rushed out upon...
AN ASS once found a Lion’s skin which the hunters had left out in the sun to dry...